What You Will Learn:

LinkedIn numbers over 650 million members which includes every Fortune 500 company, major government organization, most entrepreneurs in major city centres and 50% of recent university grads in North America. It represents a sea of opportunity for those people looking to attract prospects, retain clients and grow our revenue base. Your LinkedIn profile is your personal marketing landing page and digital calling card. Before we can establish our self as an online authority, and a credible connection we have to first build a solid home base.

  • How to complete a LinkedIn Profile Checklist of best practices to help you take your LinkedIn profile from an online resume to becoming a valuable multi-media lead generation tool

  • Learn to curate effective LinkedIn Articles and get them read

  • LinkedIn tips on saving time while keeping your target market engaged through content curation

  • Downloadable templates: LinkedIn Profile Questionnaire, and LinkedIn connection request samples. You can also download the fillable course companion Workbook

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